An explanation of the ERC20 standard functions
In the context of a license carrier
The name of the game/software title
Abbreviation of the title
Number of decimal places, HashUp creates cartridges with 2 decimal places.
Total supply of license carriers for the given software.
The number of cartridges located at address _owner. As in the case of physical media, one cartridge is required to have the right to use the software.
A functionality that enables software exchange between users.
A function that allows other smart contracts to capture in order to program the exact number of licenses.
A function that makes a given number of licenses available for other contracts to use.
The number of license carriers available for being captured by another contract.
In addition, the HashUp Cartridge is an extended version of the ERC20 standard that includes features designed to fully decentralize the software licensing medium, such as cartridge metadata in the form of function tokenURI() public view returns (string) and Ownership transfer over the contract in accordance with the Open Zeppelin standard.
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